Friday, February 26, 2016

17 Girl Code Rules

Dear Girls, 

We need to have a chat about girl code. Of course, girl code comes with a long set of both written and unwritten rules. Just to make sure we’re all keeping in line, and having each others’ backs because Lord knows, we could use it. 
Gentlemen, feel free to ignore this one unless of course you want to take a sneak peek into “girl world,” and while I can promise that you may find some of it interesting, I cannot promise that you won’t leave scarred. Your call!


The Rules That Every Female Should Live By

1. Don’t EVER date your best friends ex boyfriend or crush. Under any circumstance,
it never ends well. I have seen too many friendships fall apart because of a guy.

2. Know the difference between cock blocking and protecting your friend.
If she is drunk and doesn’t know what she is doing, that is called looking out for her.

3. Let your friend know if her boyfriends is cheating on her. If you know your friend’s boyfriend is cheating on her, Its better for her hear it from a friend who cares, than a random person. Also,she will be furious if you knew all along and didn't tell her.  

4. Don’t let your friend out the door looking like a hot mess. Would you want her to let you walk out looking the same? Sometimes when I see some outfits, I wonder whose friends let them walk out like that. Never let your friends leave the house looking like a fashion victim. Tell the truth girls, tell the truth. 

5. Be prepared for drama when surrounded by girls. We can be a little dramatic at times, it’s in our nature.

6. Never talk down on  your best friend's man. Unless she is the one doing the insulting, in that case you nod and agree.

7. Avoid your friend drunk texting her ex. Don’t EVER let your friend drunk dial or drunk text when intoxicated. She might say something stupid or embarrassing.

8. Back your friend up no matter what. Even if she is wrong. Let her know you got her back no matter what, it will build trust.

9.  It is a friend’s duty to hold her friends hair back while throwing up. You don’t want to walk around with a friend that smells like throw up.

10.  Always leave a guy wanting more. He will always come back.

11.  "That Time Of The Month” Sympathies. Girls are allowed to bitch and complain during the first 3 days of their menstrual cycle. Plain and Simple.

12. No hating on other women that you don’t know. Girls, why do we do this? There is no reason to talk badly about a girl that you saw across the room, no reason at all. She is not trying to steal your friends, or your man, or your job, she’s doing her own thing, now walk over, introduce yourself and the two of you could be BFFs in no time. Or just mind your business and leave her alone.

13. No hating on other women’s success. That’s another thing ladies, we need to stop treating success — whether it’s at work or in relationships — as if it is a zero-sum game. There is plenty of room for all of us on this earth.

14. Presence is required if a friend has been dumped. Unless you are deathly sick or are about to win the $1 million on Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?,  If your friend has been dumped, you have to be there. If you’re a really good friend, you’ll be there with pizza and wine.

15. ALWAYS help other girls escape unwanted attention from guys. This can be as simple as dancing with another girl at a club or as difficult as pretending to be her friend in a public place.

16. If a girl looks intoxicated and looks like she needs a friend, be her friend.While the easy route is to point, be judgmental, and tell yourself that it’s not your problem, I am asking at the very least that you go up to her and ask, “Are you okay?” People in this state of mind can easily be taken advantage of in the worst way and that one question can change that possibility. This is the one situation where you are your sister’s keeper.

17. When required, be a wing woman. I know it sucks sometimes because you might not be remotely interested in talking to any of the friends of your girlfriend’s crush, love interest, or whatever, but come on, take one for the team. If they hit it off, your wing woman services will probably not even be needed for a long time, and if they don’t, well, you and your friend can retreat from that crowd soon.

18“Like” Any New Profile Pics, Selfies And Instagram's post. The easiest way to be a supportive friend is to “like” all of her tagged posts on social media. Every girl needs a fan base, and you are the founder of her club. 

19We Ride Together, We Die Together. At the end of the day, the people who understand you the most and still love you for it are going to be your girlfriends. Treat them the way you want to be treated, appreciate them and show your respect. Remember that and show them some love every once in a while — you’ll never regret spreading a smile.

This blog is dedicated to my best friend, Sheena; I cannot thank you enough for all the support and love you show me. 

Love Always, 
Seema Sammy. 

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